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Knowledge, Insights and Perspective for Quality Market Researchers.

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Monthly Reflection

CEO Monthly Reflection | June 2024 | The Power of a Pause

By Terence McCarron, CEO It’s been a manic June for us.  Some days it feels like the momentum is going to only accelerate.   OpinionRoute is setting a new company record for monthly revenue. Simultaneously, our leadership team is adopting a...

Monthly Reflection

CEO Monthly Reflection | May 2024 | Silver Linings and Business Cycles

By Terence McCarron, CEO Some big news hit MRX last week.  It triggered real sensitivity and flooded my inbox with questions about what this may imply for our industry or the modern market research firm.  I mean, I get it. ...

Monthly Reflection

CEO Monthly Reflection | April 2024 | How to Scale with “Brilliance”

By Terence McCarron   This month, I completed an intense week of “educational programming” geared toward owners of successful businesses this month who are experiencing rapid growth.  It was a mini-growth MBA and challenged me so much about how I got...


CEO Monthly Reflection | March 2024 | The Overlooked Point in the AI Conversation in MRX

By Terence McCarron  Not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s this thing called Generative AI and it’s going to change everything!   (My sarcasm is thick, as usual.)  By now, our news and LinkedIn feeds are full of stories on AI...


CEO Monthly Reflection | February 2024 | Defining Your Win/Win

By Terence McCarron  I am pretty sentimental this week. My daughter Elizabeth completed her 8th-grade basketball season last Sunday. As the final buzzer sounded, my 9-year career as her coach ended.   I'll miss those hours just being with her on...


Monthly Reflection October 2023: Things are Getting Better

If my LinkedIn feed is any indicator, it seems there’s an industry-wide reckoning on data quality right now. There is anger. Major brands are jumping into the fray. Researchers are on their heels. Committees are forming. I can almost feel...


Monthly Reflection August 2023: Too Big to Fail?

Many Researchers think the Online Sample world may soon find out. In the aftermath of 5 years of heavy consolidation among sample vendors, what happens if a giant were to go bankrupt?  Is that even possible?  Turns out many researchers...


Monthly Reflection July 2023: How It All Came Together

With all of our team success over the years, I have officially reached the point where I often am asked about the origin story.  Why did I start OpinionRoute? The original inspiration was kind of a vague notion.  I LOVED...


CEO Monthly Reflection June’23

Last week, Greenbook hosted the IIEX Conference in Austin. I remember this conference well from a dozen years ago or so as it was dominated by all kinds of predictions surrounding Mobile. Back then, the presentations highlighted mobile applications, consumer...

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About OpinionRoute

We deliver accurate data by utilizing our expertise in online survey sampling and proprietary technology solutions to simplify research processes. This enables clients to scale and researchers to stay ahead in a dynamic and competitive market.

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hello@opinionroute.com 216-282-0793

Headquarters: Cleveland, OH

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