The Giant Whopper that Launched the Programmatic Sample Eraby Terence McCarron, CEO & Founder Early in the sample exchange days, I became a huge believer in the value of tech platforms that made buying from multiple panels at once simple. Here are the trends that convinced me: Panels...

Company News
OpinionRoute Acquires Jibunu to Redefine Market Research OperationsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE This acquisition sets the stage for OpinionRoute’s ambitious plan to deepen its market presence and drive industry transformation. Cleveland, OH USA - February 4, 2025 - OpinionRoute LLC, a leader in survey operations innovation, has announced the...

Press Releases
OpinionRoute Appoints Scott Stein to Lead SalesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OpinionRoute Appoints Industry Veteran to Lead Sales Organization Stein is a 20-year industry veteran. Highlights the company's focus on SMBs within the Market Research Industry Stein will focus on deep partnerships fueled by the Navigator ResearchOps platform....

Why Less is More: Improving Fraud Detection with More FocusBy Rich Ratcliff, CTrO In today’s “want it all now” environment, simplicity and precision drive the greatest value. “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth...

What About Us?By Kayla Cousineau, COO Have you ever noticed that every profession has its own unique tools and technology made just for them? All kinds of dynamic tools exist to help professionals across sectors automate work, provide transparency, improve performance, attract...

CEO Monthly Reflection | October 2024 | Giving Researchers the Keys to QualityBy Terence McCarron Our industry loves debating fraud prevention techniques. Commonly, these debates happen with little data, but lots of opinions. Because of vendor frustration, researchers have grown more vocal in sounding the alarm bells. Meanwhile, those vendors push back...

CEO Monthly Reflection | August 2024 | When Is the Quality Fight Won?By Terence McCarron I often get asked some variation of this question when it comes to Data Quality: “What can I do to fix the data quality problem for good?” Ever wonder that? Do any of these other thoughts resonate? Everyone...

Sometimes the Best Deals are the Ones Not SoldBy Danielle Chinitz, SVP of Client Experience Turning to the news, we constantly hear that the US economy is a twister. Globally, things may be even worse. It makes one reach for a bottle of Tums. Things are up, then...

Re-evaluating Old Norms In An Automated EraBy Terence McCarron Every time I question some long-accepted concept, it tends to spark some Q&A from our clients. Incidence Rate is by far the most popular. I wrote a detailed piece suggesting we revisit assumptions on incidence rate (IR)....