Behind the Headline
Behind the Headline: Ghost Completes and Who They HurtOpinionRoute breaks down headlines from industry news that relate to online surveys, online sample, data quality and relevant topics through our lens into the ecosystem. Headline: “Forsta and Cint Link to Eliminate Ghost-Completes” Forsta recently pre-announced a “First of its...
CEO Monthly Reflection June’23Last week, Greenbook hosted the IIEX Conference in Austin. I remember this conference well from a dozen years ago or so as it was dominated by all kinds of predictions surrounding Mobile. Back then, the presentations highlighted mobile applications, consumer...
CEO Monthly Reflection April ’23Recently, the Greenbook Blog Industry Trends report came out and included a particular finding that will resonate with most Market Research/Insights Professionals. Here’s what it said under the heading of “A Day in the Life”: “Many assumed the promise of...
CEO Monthly Reflection March ’23Since 2020, the awareness of Fraud’s prevalence in Survey Research has exploded. This is highlighted by the announcement this month of a multi-association effort around helping Researchers & brands tackle this rising issue. While the awareness of the issue is...
CEO Monthly Reflection Feb ’23Monthly Reflection Feb 2023 Over the last month, industry conversation was dominated by ChatGPT and the Generative AI evolution overall. The discussion shifted from awe around its rapid power into a fear of how this may permanently disrupt "knowledge" work....
What is DIY Research? Part 1: If you’re not careful, it may lead to Bogus InsightsOne of the coolest elements of the Tech expansion in Market Research over the last decade has been how it dramatically increased accessibility to data collection and the industry overall. However, there’s been an underlying question that has been under-debated...
Part 2: Survey Tools and how they cater to different buyersThis is the original category of “DIY Research” technology in online surveys. By now, this is a very mature market and is starting to see a variety of mergers and acquisitions. One of the ways these platforms differentiate is by...
Part 3: DIY Sample Tools Have Changed Things for BuyersMore than 10 years ago, a new wave of sample technology entered the market. The concept was initiated around the idea of bringing the “ad exchange” model to online sample for surveys. Once the race began, back-end tech was prioritized...
Part 4: “Insights Platforms” emerge for Niche and General AudiencesInsights Platforms are the current trend in the industry. Generally, this category refer to technologies that present a front-to-back way to execute a full research project. A platform may refer to specific methods or specific audiences. For example, you can...